Friday, October 7, 2011

Good bye my friends( only Tania is leaving)

 Just wanted to say good bye and let you all know that Im leaving the blog world. Just one step in prioritizing my life. Facebook was also shut down for me. There is another author of this blog who has been doing most of the posting lately and makes some pretty amazing stuff so no need to go away. I will be checking out her creations frequently just wont be posting. I have been spending more time in my sewing room since fall has arrived and even through out the summer I managed to make a few things. I made a clutch purse , pencil rolls ( a few) , a bag, done some quilting, made 3 failed kobo reader covers( Im not giving up), and a couple blankets for friends who had babies.

Anyways just thought I should do a post as to why I haven't been posting :)

Take Care



  1. Good thing I'll get to catch up on your quilts at the retreat :) Hope you're feeling less busy with a couple things cut out; I shut down my personal contacts on FB too, and don't miss it all.

  2. Tania I'll miss seeing your crafts but I respect you for prioritizing. Now we'll just have to talk face to face when I see you:).

  3. Sorry, that was me - Gloria


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