Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Turtle, Turtle

Meet Turtle....
 Meet his owner...

Eating a very Healthy Breakfast

Dylan has been asking me for sometime now to make him a stuffed wolf. Everyday actually for probably a month. I looked and thought it would be to hard. So I let him pick out of my one yard wonders book between a turtle, dinosaur and rocket ship. The turtle was an easy pattern im sure, but for me not so much. In real life he looks like he's been made by a 5 year old. But he is still cute. Dylan is over joyed and loves him to bits.


  1. I LOVE how happy Dylan looks! Worth every cuss word as you were sewing the turtle, wasn't it? ;o)
    The turtle is really cute... I am going to sew one up for Aiden too, because turtles are his new favourite thing! lol

  2. I will be phoning you about where to get the pattern. Turtles are absolutely my fav. animal. I have been thinking of making one for Matthew with heavy beans (or weight of some sort) in it for training to sit still. He has one at school but I want one for home too!!!
    He looks very cute btw and I'm sure Dylan will love him forever!

  3. Tania it's so cute and it doesn't look like a 5 year old made looks really good and look how happy Dylan is with it!

  4. verrrrry cuuuuute!!! I looks awesome! I am totally sure you could sell those for some good $, so original!! =)


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